Hunter Gordy

Cody Askins

Alexander Saleh

“I have had the pleasure of working with Allie over the last decade. His passion and zest for helping others are second to none. He has a natural gift for understanding people and how to achieve the best from them. Most of all he is gracious, grateful, and always willing to put others above himself. I couldn’t be more proud to be associated with Allie and the honesty and compassion he brings to the insurance industry. I would vouch for him anytime and highly recommend his services.”

Lucas Vanderburg, Co-Owner of Precision Senior Marketing

“It has been 10 years since the first time I spoke to Allie Saleh. I have had the pleasure to watch him grow in the business and grow his own agency–The Invested American. I have to say from our very first conversation, I knew right from the beginning that he would end up winning. Allie and The Invested American are assets to agents and business partners. His knowledge is outstanding. He is genuine, inspiring and passionate. The Invested American is what the world needs right now. It is the future. It is your client’s future and your future, too. The values of The Invested American will resonate with your clients and in everything that you do. Allie is more than a business partner. He will take you by the hand and teach you what you need to be a success. He has supported me through my darkest times and celebrated with me during my greatest times. In all honesty, I can’t imagine working in this business without Allie and The Invested American. He inspires me to be better every day. Thanks Allie!

– Melissa Vail

“I met Allie Saleh at the very beginning of his insurance career. I knew nothing about the man who would become one of my greatest friends and best influences. Allie often tells of the lessons he learned in terms of humility and customer service in his first year as a sales producer, but the truth is he’s brought more lessons to those around him than most of us could ever teach him. I’ve learned the value of consistency, persistence, and goal-setting from this rival-turned-mentor, and come to know him as a man of faith and family before all else.

Allie has never been afraid to ask questions, take direction from those around him, or set an example to his peers. He earned six figures his first six full months in the insurance industry by increasing his income goal by 10% every week. He then challenged me to rise above my own self-doubts and heavy baggage to do the same. For me, the insurance industry was a minefield of sorts, sewn with financial troubles, personal crises, and old psychological scars. I learned in time that Allie’s life was no less complicated than mine, nor did he need any less support to maintain his enviable success. He simply worked hard to emulate those who had what he needed out of life. The day I finally broke down and came to him for advice on how to sell more efficiently he told me, “You’re a smart man, but no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” In that one (admittedly cheesy) line of advice, I learned epiphany doesn’t always come from within. A better salesman had given me one of his most crucial tools.

I mined my friendship with Allie for more wisdom for the next ten years, up until this morning. I know I can count on him for more love and mentorship tomorrow because Allie is inexhaustible in his fervor for family and willingness to grow his relationships. He is equal parts, Paul and Timothy, seeking always to learn so he can teach in turn. He is genuinely obsessed with my success. My family’s future is more secure because of his presence in my life. Stop crying.”

– Steven T. Helt